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 → README.txt: Introducing Into the Dataverse, the article series Nov 8, 2019 highlights & data & tech & change

There is a significant gap in research about Canadian data collection activities on a granular scale. This lack of knowledge regarding data collection practices within Canada hinders the ability of policymakers, civil society organizations, and the private sector to respond appropriately to the challenges and harness unrealized benefits.

So true. This looks like an interesting series from the great team at Brookfield.

 → The Tyranny of Categorization Nov 7, 2019 highlights & data

Herein, then, lies the tyranny of classification: The borders we draw for ourselves create a prison of thought and collaboration, inhibiting movement, connectivity, and learning.

Dominic Hofstetter outlines the many benefits of categorization, too. We have to have both specialization and generalization—categories and loose files. The key is developing processes, protocols, and ways of working that elevate the benefits of both.

 → I’ve actually heard a project manager say, “You know, any line of code that my developers write to audit what they’re doing, to put stuff in a database, is a line of code that they’re not putting in developing the application Nov 21, 2018 highlights & data & Science I’ve actually heard a project manager say, “You know, any line of code that my developers write to audit what they’re doing, to put stuff in a database, is a line of code that they’re not putting in developing the application.” And so they frequently encourage a huge technical debt as they’ve got this great application now, but when it comes time for phase two of the project, to do something interesting with the data that this application should have stored somewhere but didn’t, we’re kind of left holding the bag because the application developers were kind of short sighted. And to my mind this is the kind of short term thinking that hinders really good data science. — https://blog.dominodatalab.com/collaboration-data-science-data-engineering-true-false/
Data Science, let’s break this down into components: Nov 9, 2018 data Code: iterative process (among others), thanks to SLDC, Agile, Kanban, Lean, etc., help guide ▵
Data used to be a relatively simple thing Nov 9, 2018 data https://blog.dominodatalab.com/themes-conferences-per-pacoid-episode-3/ ▵